Thursday, July 14, 2011


There is a family expression that describes a moment in which you have a lack of understanding of obvious steps... to explain it better let me use an example from which the expression came from.

My genius mom was the first one to have internet at work, she used it quite well till one moment... she is writing to me on gadu asking why the hell some site is not opening... to minutes later she writes again "I forgot to push Enter..." 

So now, when we forget something completely obvious we call it "enter!". 

I used it also to name one of my late blogs - 40+Enter was supposed to be a blog to help people over 40 to work with internet and computer (okay for younger ones too). Unfortunately it was a classic example of straw enthusiasm (quite typical for me... so let's hope this blog will not end the same way). The blog didn't survive long, but hey I have a new blog and I can actually just add the computers/internet topic in. So from now on the tag: enter will be added to all computer/internet related posts.

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