Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's till few hours to midnight in my part of the World, but in other's the new year is already there. As I will be on a party let's start early then: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!

I hope that this year will be spend more on writing than the year before... 2011 wasn't my best year, but in writing topics was quite successful. I finished NaNoWriMo - writing 52K of words, second longest fic I ever wrote (not finished yet, but soon). I got some drop in ideas after that, going back to "Peter's Pan Shadow" trying to salvage as much as possible and write new parts. I was partially successful, and then I was hit with something and produced "Home for Christmas" and "Toddler in (stolen) tiara", oh and I put my work on AO3 (yeey got invite early!)... let's add to that "Whiskey Barrel" my NaNo story is slowly, slowly getting some updates - in my head for now, but it's starting to get some more shape, better shape, I hope.

"Peter's Pan Shadow" is shadowing my thoughts, it's also slowly getting new shape, and I really, really should start writing them down... I started writing another piece of "Neal by any other name" verse, and some other new fic, with a temporary (or not) title, we'll see how well that will work.

So Happy New Year - I wish for you and others health and happiness. For myself so many things... but most important health, happiness and writing muse ;)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


New template on the blog. As blogger change something and I can't apply the reviewed last template I will temporary use one of blogger designated ones. We'll see how long that will take... as temporary solutions are usually those that keep longest...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The lost message

I was sure I wrote a post about finishing NaNo...

I was sure the template I use will work without problems...

Seems me being sure wasn't enough - I think I lost the WriMo post... and I have no idea when the template just got loose... I'll fix that, promise as soon as I figure out why it's not working anymore and how to fix it, eventually I will find an updated template.

About NaNo.. I did finish it with over 50K on 27th November, and let me tell you it was a very elevating experience. Of course now I have absolutely no push or pull to write, which is bad as I just published first chapter of my new fanfic... it was in the works before November, and as usual over few writing blocks, but now it's out in the open. It's  not my best work, but I think it's decent. Well see as I have only part one from three parts done, and some of part two is ready too...

Till later!