It's till few hours to midnight in my part of the World, but in other's the new year is already there. As I will be on a party let's start early then: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!
I hope that this year will be spend more on writing than the year before... 2011 wasn't my best year, but in writing topics was quite successful. I finished NaNoWriMo - writing 52K of words, second longest fic I ever wrote (not finished yet, but soon). I got some drop in ideas after that, going back to "Peter's Pan Shadow" trying to salvage as much as possible and write new parts. I was partially successful, and then I was hit with something and produced "Home for Christmas" and "Toddler in (stolen) tiara", oh and I put my work on AO3 (yeey got invite early!)... let's add to that "Whiskey Barrel" my NaNo story is slowly, slowly getting some updates - in my head for now, but it's starting to get some more shape, better shape, I hope.
"Peter's Pan Shadow" is shadowing my thoughts, it's also slowly getting new shape, and I really, really should start writing them down... I started writing another piece of "Neal by any other name" verse, and some other new fic, with a temporary (or not) title, we'll see how well that will work.
So Happy New Year - I wish for you and others health and happiness. For myself so many things... but most important health, happiness and writing muse ;)
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